C o d e
  S c i e n t i f i c   P a r a l l e l   C o m p u t i n g
C h a p t e r   6

Programs labelled standalone were tested with MPICH2, other codes fragments for this chapter were not tested.

program file description
6.1 mapbintreering.F definition of a mapping of a complete binary tree onto a ring written in Fortran
6.2 treebcast.PF (Pfortran) broadcast on a ring using log2(p) steps
6.3 sumtreering.PF (Pfortran) algorithm to sum scalars using a tree in a ring
6.4 addvectwovec.F (Fortran) code to add two vectors
6.5 minmodfn.F (Fortran) code to compute the minmod funtion, arising in discretizing hyperbolic partial differential equations
6.6 Cpivotsubr.F (Fortran) code to compute the pivot between two elements used for Gaussian elimination
6.7 hyperkubsum.f
(Fortran) hypercube algorithm to sum scalars using message passing
makefile.hyperkubsum,   run.hyperkubsum
6.8 divconqconcatvec.F
(Fortran) hypercube-based recursive doubling algorithm to concatenate vectors message passing